What is in store for the SHEATH Underwear Brand? The possibilities are endless. With so many potential designs on the drawing board, the future is in the eye of the beholders. A team of SHEATH executives from this independently run company have new options in the works to be released this summer but also a plethora of designs to be released over the course of the coming years. We have taken no loans and we are completely self funded so we feel that our product success speaks for itself. It was a brand created out of necessity for men everywhere rather than some corporate bigwigs trying to create a product simply to turn a profit.
We don't want to spill the beans to our competition but we have some aces up our sleeves pertaining to how to grow our business in the coming months and years. The fact that there is no other contending option leaves our course wide and clear. But we will tread carefully. Running a business is about making good choices, and our good choices are regarding which new design to release.
There was a time, when the Jockey Pouch was considered threatening until research was conducted to find there is NO Pouch in the Jockey Pouch. There was at one time concern for ALL the new underwear companies developing pouches only to find out there is no support in their pouches. Whether it is Saxx, which has no pouch or Mypackage, 2Under, and Stance, which all have pouches with identical designs to each other (not ours) and again no real support but act more as an irritation than a secure pouch for the male package. Then we had Tommy John Underwear re-join the scene, which by it's name alone is egotistical in itself and embarrassing to wear, but aside from that, they makes claims that no more adjustment is necessary, where we claim, there is an adjustment necessary and it is to take them off quickly because they compress on the scrotum like a choke hold, which is just not even an option. Try for yourself at 31$ a pair if you can afford to throw 31$ plus tax, shipping, and handling. No offence, but not only do the underwear suck, they make you pay half a day's pay for one pair, only to find out you can't wear or return them.
We at SHEATH are secure in our product and the functionality built into the design. We know that our patented design offers the most support and comfort for the male anatomy, far superior to any other underwear option on the market and our brand name isn't some guys name. In our opinion, the only guys name with a reputation good enough to be on underwear is Calvin Klein. He started it, he gets the nod, but all these other egomaniacs putting their name on underwear need to be flushed down the toilet, excluding David Archy, which are pretty nice in all honestly. We will grant this as well. We are not so egotistical to say we are the only brand with a decent design. There are 2 or 3 other options available that are pretty good, Obviously, Frigo, & David Archy as mentioned above). No Offence to all the other underwear with random guys names on their waist band, but is that cool? No.No. and not even a little bit.
If the creator of SHEATH was such an egomaniacal person, SHEATH would be called Bobby Patton Underwear. Not exactly strong branding for an entire design, but it actually doesn't sound too bad coming from the guy with the name, but again, he would not do that to you and we won't either. That is why we have developed a brand image that you can be proud of; A brand that stands for strength, integrity, and innovation. SHEATH Underwear is meant to be worn by Strong Men, whether that strength is mental, spiritual or physical. But if you want to wear some other guy's name on your underwear. I.E. Andrew Christian. Be our guest. We will not discriminate when you come back as it isn't so much about the name, but the superior design and craftsmanship that we can stand firm and proud of. SHEATH Underwear is the Best men's underwear available and if you haven't tried them. Feel free to use promo code 'Trial' at checkout to save 10% and you have nothing to lose. We feel so confident in our product that we offer a 100% money back guarantee on your first pair, so if you don't like them. Notify us and we will refund the purchase price of your first pair. Thank you so much for your interest in our product, which was developed by a former Army Soldier, who served our great country in two tours fighting terrorism in the desert heat of Iraq, where conditions were so intense, that the invention came purely out of necessity. And with global warming, SHEATH underwear are going to become the standard in underwear for men designed to keep the testicles cool and comfortable all day; whether you are riding bike or watching the News.
SHEATH underwear will give you the comfort and support you need. And for men between 35-65, well you know that support for the frank and beans can be the difference between life and death. Lol. jk. But SHEATH will keep you from making embarrassing adjustment during important business meetings or dates or family gatherings, and for men younger than 35, we provide a brand that will keep you fresh and cool for any situation you might find yourself in with a sexually engaging partner. We do not discriminate on sexuality. If you do then, please get with the times. Not saying participate, but do not discriminate. People are people so why should it be, any of us should get along so awefully. Unless you are a demented terrorist of course, in which case you will be a cloud of pink mist soon enough. From fighters out of the UFC to the LGBT community and everyone in between, SHEATH will provide underwear superior to all other options and eventually, we will provide fresh sports wear for women also, may be.... We can't wait to be in every underwear drawer in the world. It could happen. Stay tuned, stay alert, and let's get this money so we can live large. To you and yours, may your day be filled with positive energy and love. Cheers from SHEATH Underwear. http://sheathunderwear.com
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